DNA of High Performing Teams
The statements of DNA of High Performing Teams are categorised into General Productivity & Climate, Leadership, Roles, Goals, Processes and Relationships.
General Productivity & Climate
Comprises 6 statements to have employees state their extent level of agreement pertaining to the team’s being productive, enjoying their jobs, in high morale, team being collaborative and speedy response to situations.
6 statements reflecting the employees’ agreement level pertaining to their leader being empowering, role modelling, evaluate performance fairly, creating ease for employees to communicate with them, adapting to leadership styles to engage employees, creates opportunity for shared leadership.
6 statements reflecting the employees’ agreement level pertaining to the team having clear direction, established goals, being informed of team’s progress, understanding expected standards of work, commitment team goals, and have realistic priorities.
6 statements reflecting the employees’ agreement level pertaining to the team having clear and discussed responsibilities, having organised tasks, meeting schedules, having adequate resources and agreeing to role expectations.
6 statements reflecting the employees’ agreement level pertaining to the team being included in decision making, committed to decisions, resolving problems through communication, discussing and improving team performance, and having regular intervals.
6 statements reflecting the employees’ agreement level pertaining to the team trusting each other, contributing to team outcomes, having authentic communication, embracing diversity, openly resolve conflicts and being friendly and approachable.