Organisational Diagnosis Questionnaire (ODQ)
The Organisational Diagnosis Questionnaire (ODQ) is a survey-feedback instrument designed to collect data on organisational functioning. It measures the perceptions of employees in a team, department or organisation to determine areas of activity that would benefit from an organisation development effort.
The instrument and the model reflect a systematic approach for analysing relationships among variables that influence how an organisation is managed. The Organisational Diagnosis Questionnaire (ODQ) measures the informal aspects of the system and often is supplemented by gathering information on the formal aspects and examining the gaps between the two. The Organisational Diagnosis Questionnaire (ODQ) determines diagnoses and suggests appropriate interventions for organisational change efforts to serve the internal and external customers more efficiently, to stay abreast of the changes triggered by the internal and external business environmental factors. Comprising 35 statements, the Organisational Diagnosis Questionnaire (ODQ) covers critical areas that include: Purpose, Structure, Leadership, Relationships, Rewards, Helpful Mechanisms, and Attitude Towards Change.