What’s Important On My Job
This instrument comprises fifteen factors that most people consider to be important in their job. It captures the employees’ ranking of the fifteen factors in the order for importance. The total individual ranking on the factors will be aggregated by taking the total scores of each factor divided by the total number of respondents. The final score outcome from the aggregated scores will reflect the organisation's ranking on the 15 factors, providing invaluable information on what the employees value most in their job. Appropriate interventions can be implemented to address the gaps between the ranked factors and the organisation’s current practice and emphasis on the factors. The fifteen factors are: Company benefits, Working conditions, Recognition for doing good job, Having a good supervisor, People I work with, Adequate compensation, The Work contents, Having clear responsibilities, Job security, Opportunity for promotions, A feeling of personal accomplishment. Learning new task, Freedom in doing my job, A happy, friendly environment, Pride in doing a good job.